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Custom, Secure Patient Forms


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Contact The Form Team

If we’re building a form from one of your current patient forms, all we need to start is a copy of the actual file, whether it’s a PDF, Word® file, Excel® file or an existing webform. If the form is already on your website, we can get it from there; no need for you to send us anything.

If your form exists in a paper version only, we can work with that, too! You can either scan the form and email it to us, fax the actual form, or mail the form to our office (see our contact info here).

Secure patient form Customer PDFWe’re using this typical medical form as an example for this demo. You can see the full-sized form here (it will open in a new window, so you can continue with the demo alongside).

We’ll build the online form directly from the form you send us, so please make sure that you still want everything on it to remain. This is a good time to think about any changes you’d like to make - you can either mark up a hard copy and email a scan of it to us, or add comments directly to the document if it’s in PDF, Word or Excel format and then attach it to an email.



The Online Form


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